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Old 07-18-2007, 02:04 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by student4ever View Post
apparently, I've been out of touch with the sporting news lately... first I've heard of it. I'm going to guess it will depend on how much he can separate himself from the dog fighting activities. If there's a chance he can say he didn't know what was going on or was not directly involved, maybe.

the other question is... do people actually go to jail for dog fighting? it may be an area that more likely incurs major fines. no idea there...
More than 60 dogs were discovered at his home!!! Some of the animals appeared malnourished, scarred, and injured, and during the raid police found implements related to dogfighting.

That's all the proof I need to put that SOB away for good! Animal cruelty is a CRIME!

This is the ONE BIG thing I am EXTREMELY passionate about and it makes me sick!!!!!!

Animals are "thinking," "feeling," and "experiencing" beings. They have basic rights because they have the capacity to suffer. We have a duty to protect those rights.
Stephanie (Funbrunette)
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