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Old 07-18-2007, 11:04 PM   #14
painful should edit this
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Originally Posted by TheLegacy View Post
well are you talking about updating the site? is that it?

you do have CMS programs (content management systems) where even if you can get on for a short time - just show your wife how to do it, not too mention the content can be easily loaded up.

how long are you gone for?

this actually may be a good idea for xnations to take on a website in the newbie area - here moderators and the like can share in training first hand in showing how a site should be built and run. Be the first time ever that a webmaster board actually had its own members share on a site - the profits obviously go to a fund for your wife and kids so that when you come back - they will have something.

anyone else like this idea?
It looks like I'll be gone for about 4 years. I would go for the board owning it, as long as I can keep 30%, then use the other profits for a site activity, like a picnic or trip to Vegas for everyone.

You guys are great people, I'm glad I found you. Rob, you are a great help, I didn't know there were NICE people in Porn.
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