Originally Posted by Vid Vicious
Actually you know better then anyone else .. I'm at my best when I'm hung over .. LOL
true, but I need to weigh out the benefits of someone during the Q&A period asking, "Vid, the industry has recently seen a great turn over is content purchasing and with the recent 2257 as it stands in the 2257 Client Handbook: A guide to Complying with the FederalRecordkeeping and Labeling laws in 2005. Paul J.Cambria, Jr. andRodger W. Wilcox, Jr., 2006. and copyright infringements I would like to know your professional opinion as to whether future purchasing are best done with MILF content or should we..."
Vid interrupts: "fuck off your twerp can't you see I am working on my Jenna Jameson Origami - Christ the nerve of you english - now you made me loose my train of fucking thought, hope your happy dick weed - Pousse-crotte - Lui carrer dans l'oignon - Niquer - Mouffi - La putain de ta mére - Merde A La Puissance Treize!!!!!"