Originally Posted by Sarah_MaxCash
Nothing wrong with Tear for Fears ..much underrated as far as lyrics go. They were a very dark band dressed up as a pop group. That is why their music fit so well into Donnie Darko.
I agree.
I had very little to choose from at the time and that was the one I wanted the most. I knew their hit songs from the radio but I was riding in a car with some friends and they were playing the tape. That sold me on wanting to get the album on CD.
I will say though I did listen to it not long ago and it all sounds very "dated".
In the mid 80's it was all new and awesome though.
The thing that still sticks in my head about it is it's a very heavy thing.
The CD the case and everything. Not like todays CD's. And to look at the quality it just seems to be top notch. It was made in Germany so I think it was actually imported.
I always noticed any CD's I bought after that seemed a lot lighter and didn't seem to look so sharp and high quality. And the sound never seemed to match the quality of this one either.
This one was actually DDD(digitally recorded every step of the way)
I noticed most CD's I bought after that were always Analog at some point so they just put the analog onto the digital CD.
I guess it must be cheaper to do it that way.