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Old 07-19-2007, 04:53 PM   #3
Casa Nova
Casa Nova should edit this
The Sex Appeal
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I think slowly it will.We are seeing the emergence of the teams on a world class level with America making the Worldcup on a pretty regular basis now & Canada not to far off (our womens team is better). The hardest part for us has been keeping our talent here & not have them going to play overseas. But now that we have a league that seems stable in the U.S. & Canada with a big name like Beckham coming over and our young guys staying here instead of trying to play in europe it seems it could work.

We are a nation of immigrants, soccer is pretty much still big here... its just we are watching it from overseas, and not at our own club levels. Now that we are starting to build our club levels better and keep talent, our attendance to games will grow, & our level of play will also increase. It may take 10-15 years to build the interest to something worthwhile, but it will happen.

Those are my 2 cents..

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