07-21-2007, 12:09 PM
should edit this
Let it rip!
Join Date: Oct 2002
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Originally Posted by raymor
A guy just got jail time for that. Contempt of court was the charge, I think.
However, you don't have to go to extremes like that guy did. The attorneys will ask
you lots of questions looking for some hint of a reason that they want to get rid of you.
It shouldn't be hard to give them an answer that isn't exactly what they wanted to hear.
Alternatively, you could just do your civic duty and it might even be a little bit fun too,
Then you can walk out of there with self esteem knowing you did the right thing,
rather than walking out knowing you're a liar, and a lazy one at that.
PS - the DA will be present, if it's a criminal cas, so I wouldn't suggest using your line of
work to get out of jury duty, although it would probably work.
Crawl back under your rock idiot. Unlike you most people have lives and don't have time for jury duty. Do you even know FB before you make such a statement?