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Old 07-22-2007, 10:43 PM   #3
painful should edit this
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Originally Posted by keithwoo View Post
I preffer search engine marketing but TGP works well for some sites.
What kind of traffic do you get from search engine marketing? TGPs are really time consuming I find. I am looking for something that can maybe work autonomously if I can't find someone to run my site while I'm gone. That is, if I keep it. I want to stoock the site a LOT better than it is now. I had a great streaming video feature on my site from WebmastersParadise, but because of my impending move, I had to cancel for the time being. I can't afford $399 per month for a site that makes no money because I'm a bit retarded when it comes to advertising and promoting my site.

Quality content is also an issue, since my site is predominantly BDSM. I can always MAKE my own content, but that as well costs money to pay models usually, and no one wants to see my mug on the site getting rope burns. Well, that and the military (my employer) forbids me to be on the site.

I'm gonna look into the search engine thing. How do YOU advertise on them, and which do you use?

Thanks for the help,
The road to success is different for everyone. For me, it's in desperate need of repair.

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