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Old 07-23-2007, 11:15 AM   #27
Quagmire should edit this
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Originally Posted by raymor View Post
A guy just got jail time for that. Contempt of court was the charge, I think.
However, you don't have to go to extremes like that guy did. The attorneys will ask
you lots of questions looking for some hint of a reason that they want to get rid of you.
It shouldn't be hard to give them an answer that isn't exactly what they wanted to hear.

Alternatively, you could just do your civic duty and it might even be a little bit fun too,
Then you can walk out of there with self esteem knowing you did the right thing,
rather than walking out knowing you're a liar, and a lazy one at that.

PS - the DA will be present, if it's a criminal cas, so I wouldn't suggest using your line of
work to get out of jury duty, although it would probably work.
Dude, wtf is with calling her a liar and lazy? Thats pretty a pretty ignorant and boneheaded thing to say without knowing her situation.

I was called for jury duty back in the winter right when we had a lot of problems at Submitpasses. I could not afford to miss the time at work not for financial reasons, but because I was primary on the project. I tried to get them to exclude me on the current pool and come back to me again in a few months, but I was denied the request. So I didn't shave for 2 weeks before having to show up, and I wore the dirtiest farm clothing I had on the day I had to go in. When I was called up for consideration I was immediately passed over by the defense council.

The trial was for those alleged Canadian terrorists which would have meant I would have been stuck there for months.

Am I lazy and a liar too because of the way I got out of jury duty?
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