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Old 07-23-2007, 04:12 PM   #33
Quagmire should edit this
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Originally Posted by Vid Vicious View Post
depends on how you read it ... I'm more passive then most I guess .> Cus the way I read it .. he didn't call her a lyer, he basicly said if you do your civic duty you won't feel like a lyer.
Anyhow that's how I precieved it .. So go on .. flame me .... Cus you know I don't care.
I just felt that there was some hostility there ..

Oh and panky I don't think being a personality should allow anyone to act in hostility. actually the oppisite the more liked and known you are the more carefull you need to be.
I can see where you are coming from on the liar portion, because there is generally going to be some fancy footwork to get out of jury duty but the lazy part was totally uncalled for on his part and imho is a direct jab at FB.

If she were lazy it would be because she wanted to sit around on the couch eating bonbons masturbating to Oprah, not because she has business to take care of, a household to run and a child to deal with as well.

And think about it this way - If you were on trial, would you want a jury of peers who WANT to be there, or who are FORCED to be there?
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