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Old 07-23-2007, 07:41 PM   #1
cdsmith is washing his emu
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You misread that thread you closed. Completely. Largely because you likely don't know what I'm talking to Vid about.

It wasn't about Vid, it's about someone else who 5 years ago very much DID rip a lot of good people off. It appears that that person has now returned to at least one of the adult webmaster boards and I was asking Vid if he thinks it's really Him... him as in the actual guy from back then.

Because Vid has issues with that guy, as do I.

You may want to ask or otherwise clarify someone's meaning before you go accusing someone of "slander" etc. Anyone who has paid the least attention to my MO knows I'm not one given to such antics, and I'd appreciate it if you would amend your post on that thread to reflect that.

Thank you.
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