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Old 07-23-2007, 08:17 PM   #3
cdsmith is washing his emu
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Like I said, I was asking Vid a question, about.. okay, it's about Hungryman if you must know.

Seems he's back. Maybe. Hard to tell.

Anyway it's not "bringing drama" luv.... the threads from 5 years ago still exist, too many got ripped off for it to be unfounded in the least.

Again, it was me asking Vid a question. If that steps over the "drama line" then I'm thinking either there are still people here who think Paul is a "good guy" or the tolerance for even not-quite-drama is so low it's borderline ridiquerous.

I think you guys are misreading the post in question. I was purposely vague so that only Vid would really know what I was asking of him.

That's all.

Any questions?
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