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Old 07-23-2007, 08:49 PM   #7
cdsmith is washing his emu
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Where do you see any vendetta? I must not be typing in English or something.

I do check this board from time to time, the last time I posted here was just a month ago or so. I saw that vid had recently posted here so I stopped in to ask him a question meant only for him. I wasn't even aware I had him in ICQ it's been so long, and he was showing as offline,... and after all this IS a message board, is it not? So I left him a message.

You seem quite oversensitive with regard to anything that might possibly even remotely maybe could be seem like it might be contraversial. This post wasn't. In all likelyhood Vid will come here and say "Yeah, I think it's him. Yes, I'll probably flame him a bit" or he'll say "No, I'm sure it's not him, just someone using his account".... or something horribly dramatic and contraversial along those lines.

Seriously... relax. It's not as big of a deal as you're making it out to be. Nice of you to step in for Legacy, although I hope he's reading this and can maybe learn a little something about clicking that "closed" button, maybe ask someone what they mean if he's not sure before posting "slander" statements.

You two (EC & FB) should know if anyone should that I'm not one to pull any sort of shit like what you now seem to be accusing me of. When I say someone is a thief I have people and proof to back it or I don't say it at all.

But at the risk of repeating myself for a 4th time... it was a question only, meant for Vidvicious. Thus the title of the thread..."Vidvicious". I get the feeling he's sleeping though, I see he was up early.
It's time you clicked...

... one SWEET program.

ICQ me: 31024634 .... let's talk about getting you some PussyCash!
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