Originally Posted by Funbrunette
EXACTLY my point if it's ONLY meant for Vid send him a PM or an email this is a PUBLIC board. I don't need to back Legacy he's a big boy and knows how to run a board (that's why he's a mod) you don't like how oversensitive I am? That's too bad I've been running this board for a long time and it's been fun and the members here are happy.
I've obviously caught you on an off day or something. Can't explain my position any better than I already have, so I'll take my leave. I still say you're reading too much into what I wrote, and frankly if I want to leave a message for an individual on any board and ask him or her a question or two I've always been welcome to do so on most other boards. I don't do it often mind you, and it's certainly not in line with most "what do you think of____?" or "Check out my new hairstyle" or "Harry Potter" threads... but it's a legitimate thread nonetheless. Maybe some newbs might actually gain some insight into some history and maybe get a heads-up to watch out for Paul and if not avoid doing business with him then at least to be on their guard. No harm in being on one's guard is there? Nevermind, I know that you know I'm right on that.
I bid you adeiu,
Enjoy your board.