Ok Xnations...There is obviously an issue. I'm torn here...I don't want drama of course, but I can only "censor" so much. I'll allow cdsmith to post and voice his opinion in a respectable fashion. I am one to believe in the freedom of speech. I don't know what transpired with hungryman and I don't want to get involved. After pondering on the matter I'm going to give everyone the opportunity to discuss this and hopefully we can all come to an agreement and let go of the past. Doesn't matter how hard I try I can't make everyone happy, but I do consider myself to be a fair person...
I'm always easy to reach via ICQ, Email and PM so don't be shy.
* I strongly feel Panky should be left out of this, she is a respectable Mod and friend so unless she has something to do with this I'm going to hope she will be left out of this.