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Old 07-25-2007, 11:33 AM   #2
Virgule3 is in love!
I shoot nekkid people
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Join Date: Mar 2006
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Would you ever...

Adopt a kid? YES

Skydive? NO WAY IN HELL!

Go to China? YES

Ride the Top Thrill Dragster? NO

Open a paysite? YES, going to do so soon!

Have more than 4 kids...On purpose? NO, I'd like two...

Give $1,000 to a homeless stranger? NO

Give $1,000 to me? HUMMM... What will you do for it?

Swim with sharks? NO

Attend every adult biz show for one year? YES, if I had the time and money...

Secretly take pics of someone naked? NO

Anonomously pload naked pics of yourself? YES (ALREADY DONE! LOL)

Tell someone over 60 to Fuck Off? YES, if they are stupid and deserve it.

Lie to your grandmother? YES

Accidently hit a car and then drive away without leaving a note? NO

Participate in the Polar Bear swim? NO

Blame your spouse for something you did to cover your own ass? NO
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