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Old 07-25-2007, 11:36 AM   #3
TheLegacy is Bi - Sexy
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Would you ever...

Adopt a kid? Yes (been looking into russian brides lately LOL)

Skydive? Yes - but would take alot of convincing

Go to China? Yes - ( to pick up my russian bride)

Ride the Top Thrill Dragster? No - ( I just puked at the pic of it )

Open a paysite? Yes - (If I had the money saved up to do it)

Have more than 4 kids...On purpose? Yes - (actually we are planning on 4)

Give $1,000 to a homeless stranger? Yes - (unless I had more than that to give away, family comes first)

Give $1,000 to me? Yes - ( see homeless guy above)

Swim with sharks? No - (Can't swim, but I would get into a shark tank)

Attend every adult biz show for one year? Yes - (I love seeing JFK)

Secretly take pics of someone naked? Yes - (we'll talk cyndalie)

Anonomously pload naked pics of yourself? No - (would hurt the industry)

Tell someone over 60 to Fuck Off? No - (not even someone annoying)

Lie to your grandmother? No - (she'll find out the results anyways)

Accidently hit a car and then drive away without leaving a note? Yes

Participate in the Polar Bear swim? No - (in Canada, every day is that)

Blame your spouse for something you did to cover your own ass? No - (because its all my fault anyways)

Skype: robjameswarren

"Wise men talk because they have something to say;
fools, because they have to say something." - Plato
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