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Old 12-10-2002, 04:12 PM   #7
PattyeCake should edit this
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Originally posted by mailman
not to be a dick but i thought thsi was a little funny after reading other wishes like nintendo games and toys....

6. Jessica Age: 7 years ADOPTED by: CJ
Childs shirt size: AUS 8
Childs jacket/coat size: AUS 8
Childs pant/dress size: AUS 8
Childs FAVOURITE COLOUR: Gold, Purple.
Childs Favourite Activity: Riding her bike, and skipping
Childs Favourite Music - Tania Kernagan, Shania Twain, Brittany Speirs
Childs WISH: Bike Helmet

A bike helmet? WTF? just odd i suppose i would be wishing for better shit first... Saftey Second!
Ya know... My son actually asked for a Bike helmet this year, they come in some pretty kewl styles and colors these days...

From reading that listing, I see that one of her favorite things to do is Ride her Bike... perhaps her mother is like me.. I won't allow my children to ride their bikes without a helmet... and helmet sizes change as a child grows... Perhaps she needs that helmet more than she wants or believes she needs anything else...

As I said on Netpond Main board.. NOT the threaded one.. and this discussion has been going on for 2 days now... well, let me just REpost what I had to say over there, over HERE...:
Good Afternoon Ponders!
Forgive my delay, I've been swamped with mail and updating the site!
There is however an issue here that I would like to address from one of CJ's earlier posts:

"I have 1 major problem with the parents who submit their requests ... the amount of parents who are asking for things like dvd's and cd's and gameboy games and $100+ items etc."

Please understand that I am using this ONLY as an example as it is probably an Issue that should be addressed.

This the 6th year that I have participated in this project...and over the years, we have encountered MANY problems..

Is the family deserving? Well, that is always a hard question to address... but we have been around this Block before... and unfortunately have had to resort to actually having the parents PROVE their financial situation... You must all understand as well, that ALL of the children on this list come from an Organization that I, as well and Bree and Carrie belong to called Ladies of the Heart, a non-profit org. that I have been involved with longer than I have been in the Adult Industry. These are families that we talk to and deal with on a daily basis... To have the child even be eligible for MY lists.. The parents begin the process as early as July. The must provide w2 statements for the past 2 years... and we do our BEST to verify the current living standards.. We do this in many cases by actually Visiting the homes of the ladies and their children...

In other words, these parents and children are NOT unknown to us..

Ladies of the Heart is an Online org. for women that attempts to offer friendship and support to women in difficult situations... Their current goal is to build a homeless shelter in Phoenix where the Org. is located
There are many things they do not just to offer a hand out, but a hand up..
If you would like more information on this org. Please feel free to contact me. However, I am now straying from my point... Which IS:

When the ladies go thru the process of submitting their children, I ask them if your child could wish for One thing from Santa, what would it be.. THAT is what I put on the site... so you see, it is not the parent asking for a certain gift.. 99% of them ask for clothes, it is ME asking the Child what do you want more than anything else in the world...

I know when I was a child, I wanted that shiny new doll that my mother couldn't afford, or a new bike etc.. I don't believe I EVER asked santa for clothes or mittens or a coat or shoes...

It is comparable to asking one of us, If you could have anything in the world, what would it be.. I don't believe that any of us would ask for mundane things.. but I could be mistaken...

I get up with my youngest son at 6am and while he is getting ready for school, we watch the cartoon network.. I counted this morning, and in 22 minutes of cartoons, I saw 12 minutes of commercials showing my son Every conceivable type of toy on the market today..

Most children don't understand when they are poor, all they know is that they see a toy or game or video that they would like to have...

It is MY goal to help that child...and the parent(s)

Folks, it doesn't matter to me if you participate in the program I do yearly.. all that really matters to me is that you do SOMETHING...

Perhaps this is so important to me because I have been there.. in the position of these children AND in the position of the Parent(s)

Now we have 11 children still for adoption in Canada, 14 in the Eastern US and 9 in Central US... Time is running out... for it stops for no man... or child...

Ya'll have a great day
Big Hugs to ALL!

Make MORE with your sites with Rabbit's Reviews!!

AND don't forget!!!!

Help a Child
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