Adopt a kid? - Yes, my dad is adopted and if I had the right partner I would do it.
Skydive? - No.
Go to China? - Yes. I have always wanted to go. My BF won't go with me because of human rights issues but I really want to go.
Ride the
Top Thrill Dragster? - no
Open a paysite? - of me? Not any more. A general paysite? Yup and I will soon.
Have more than 4 kids...On purpose? - I can't have kids but if I did and it happened four times I would go with the flow.
Give $1,000 to a homeless stranger? - Most likely not.
Give $1,000 to me?

- and me first.
Swim with sharks? - I don't think so but maybe if it was very controlled and I had some extra inner strength that day.
Attend every adult biz show for one year? - Only if somebody else paid for it and I could bring my dogs.
Secretly take pics of someone naked? - No, consent is a bigger turn on.
Anonomously pload naked pics of yourself? - not sure what Pload is but I probably already have done it.
Tell someone over 60 to Fuck Off? - It would have to be something pretty crappy that they did. Unless it was online and then all bets are off.
Lie to your grandmother? - Not to her face but I don't tell her the whole truth about what I do for a living so I guess that I do.
Accidently hit a car and then drive away without leaving a note? - No.
Participate in the Polar Bear swim? - I did it in girl scout camp but I would probably do it once more again before I am too old.
Blame your spouse for something you did to cover your own ass? - No..I would kill him for doing it to me and so I wouldn't do it to him.