Would you ever...
Adopt a kid? yes, if i have lots of money why not?
Skydive? no
Go to China? yes
Ride the
Top Thrill Dragster? yes if i have my bf beside me
Open a paysite? no
Have more than 4 kids...On purpose? yes
Give $1,000 to a homeless stranger? yes
Give $1,000 to me?

Swim with sharks? no
Attend every adult biz show for one year? yes
Secretly take pics of someone naked? no, my bf is enough
Anonomously pload naked pics of yourself? yes,
Tell someone over 60 to Fuck Off? no
Lie to your grandmother? no
Accidently hit a car and then drive away without leaving a note? no
Participate in the Polar Bear swim? no
Blame your spouse for something you did to cover your own ass? yes..hehehe!