Would you ever...
Adopt a kid? YES
Sky dive? YES
Go to China? YES
Ride the Top Thrill Dragster? YES - as many times as humanly possible
Open a paysite? YES
Have more than 4 kids...On purpose? YES - probably not more than 6 though
Give $1,000 to a homeless stranger? Depends on what favours I would get in return... but most likely no
Give $1,000 to me?

Again depends on what favours I would get in return... most likely yes
Swim with sharks? Yes - I'm daring like that
Attend every adult biz show for one year? YES - although I doubt I'd ever have the money for it
Secretly take pics of someone naked? AGAIN? lol - YES
Anonymously upload naked pics of yourself? NO - I'd want credit
Tell someone over 60 to Fuck Off? YES - if it got that bad, noone's gotten close yet though
Lie to your grandmother? YES - but only in a good way
Accidently hit a car and then drive away without leaving a note? YES
Participate in the Polar Bear swim? YES - but I might suffer from hypothermia since I've got such low blood circulation
Blame your spouse for something you did to cover your own ass? YES - it's all his fault anyway