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Old 07-27-2007, 01:59 PM   #12
Mister E
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Hi Janell, during our hockey lock out a few years back a friend started dragging me to watch Manchester United at a bar here in Toronto.

(don'y give away my secret location...)

I tried to get it but couldn't, went on for the season.

The second year I watched, Wayne Rooney and Ronaldo got me to pay more attention. I was getting hooked.

Then came the World Cup. I am an England fan until Israel, The U.S. or Jamaica gets there.

My heart got busted, bursted and broken. Damn Red Cards.

This year, Man U was tremendous. Coulda' had the treble. Did win the Premiership.

I am hooked. For life now. Let the haters hate us.

Bend it girl. Bend it and send it.
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