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Old 07-30-2007, 01:03 PM   #7
Casa Nova
Casa Nova should edit this
The Sex Appeal
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This is a clipping from her interview in FHM:

We’re big fans of art. Tell us about all your tattoos.
I have five. Anytime I have a feeling about anything, I get tattooed. I have a poem I wrote on my ribcage and a symbol for strength on my neck, and my boyfriend Brian’s name tattooed next to my pie.

What’s the hottest surprise you’ve ever given a guy?
Recently I lost a bet to Brian over who was going to win some reality TV show, so I have to cook him a five-course meal in nothing but panties and fuck-me pumps. And I can’t cook at all—I can make only Hot Pockets and Eggo Waffles.

You’re gorgeous, listen to Crüe and make Hot Pockets: Is there anything wrong with you?
I’m horrible to live with. I don’t clean. My clothes end up wherever I take them off. I forget to flush the toilet. Friends will tell me, “Megan, you totally pinched a loaf in my toilet and didn’t flush.”

How’s your sex drive?
I have the libido of a 15-year-old boy. My sex drive is so high. I’d rather have sex with Brian all the time than leave the house. He doesn’t mind.

Ever taken it outdoors?
One night, an ex and I—this is going to suck for Brian—bought this huge bed sheet at Wal-Mart and snuck onto a closed beach. We covered ourselves in acrylic paint, rolled around and made a painting on the sheet. There were footprints here, my ass cheeks there, one part that looked like angel wings. It was amazing.

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