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Old 08-03-2007, 03:38 PM   #17
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Originally Posted by Evil Chris View Post
Of course the Coyotes/Avs game had available tickets. I got prime seats right behind #99.

As for the Suns tickets. You didn't try hard enough to get them. You must not be much of a fan. You have connections in Phoenix. You could have gone. You dediced not to.
You're right if I had REALLY wanted to go, I probably could have found some. I seriously thought it because the two teams playing would have made for a great game, which is why I think it was Dallas. But MY basketball team is the *shudder* TORONTO Raptors. I even feel dirty SAYING I'm a fan of anything Toronto, but unlike the Leafs, they have a good young team and a GM that knows what he's doing. Oh yeah, they made the playoffs last year.

I've asked you this before. Does it hurt KNOWING that the Raptor will win an NBA title LONG before the Leafs win the Stanley Cup? Hell, they could win a championship before the Leafs even make the playoffs again. That's gotta suck.

Actually, I see you as a bandwagon jumper Chris. When the Raps win the title, you'll say you've been watching them and cheering for them for years. Then you'll try to educate us all with your knowledge of basketball. That will be entertaining.
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