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Thread: Ronaldoooooh!
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Old 08-03-2007, 04:23 PM   #22
Casa Nova
Casa Nova should edit this
The Sex Appeal
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Ronaldo I gotta shake your hand for liking the Raps. They are a great team, and predict them to be a good dynasty in the next 5 years.. As there players grow so will the team! We have great potential, and a great GM!

But I am still a leafs fan til the end, and must defend them with my blood haha. They made some moves in the off season, & we will just have to see how they work out, you never know Blake may boost Mats up to his old playing days. If bell can step up aswell like he did a few years back we could have a great second line with antro, poni and bell. I'm not saying cup, but we will make playoffs. We were a single point out of playoffs last season, we now have 3 players that are a huge improvement on who we let go (oneil & company). Not to mention a great 2 goalie tandem, which will take the heat of raycrofts shoulders, who is a great young goalie but shouldnt have played as many games as he did last season.

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