I'm the
2much.net Mediaguy and General Manager.
As GM I make sure the live video chat sites we build and power on our LiveCamNetwork 2.0 platform are done and delivered on time and ready to submit to the billing companies.
I also troubleshoot and fix problems, make sure designers understand our template, provide webmaster and B2B client support, and deal with whatever the heck bubbles up or sinks to the bottom :P
As Mediaguy for 2much.net I make sure our name gets out there, write our press releases and make sure our PR gets submitted and propagated, properly keyworded (we are NOT TooMuchMedia lol), and encourage, network or stiumlate any and all coverage of us all over the place...
As Mediaguy and project manager for the newly launched
LiveCamNetwork.com affiliate program,
LCNCash, I make sure there's new tools every week, put out the update emails and press releases, make sure our content is niched and keyworded properly, etc etc.... It's a new project so as we go on I'll see where the work needs delegating.
There's more, but that's the core