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Old 08-07-2007, 02:33 PM   #1
Vid Vicious
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Default Porn 101 Workshop @ Qwebec expo - experimental

So after a great start to Miami Internext seminars "Maximizing your content" ... I recieved lots of great feed back. Many liked my apporache to prodcution which got me thinking ... I've given broadcast production workshops all over the world. the majority being video production workshops forSony Hdcam and I was an assisitant prof and Prof on the Steadicam and Glidecam workshop tours back in 1998 thru to 2002.

Why not a Porn 101 ?

For a first workshop, I woun;t want more then say 10 - 15 students, keeping it small will allow for more one on one. Also for a first workshop maybe a 4 to max 6 hour workshop should cover all the basis.

We'll need to pick a subject matter ie: Production, Composition, Lighting, equipement maintance ..etc

And naturally the workshop would be given at my studios, and will have models and different types of todays most popular cameras .. Other options I could add would be more advanced equipment and I could easliy have a veriety of cameras, lights and support gear on hand (on loan from local Production Rental companies- whom all owe me favours, lol)

The purpose of this thread is to find out if there would be enough of an interest for me to do this .. How many Qwebec expo attendees would want to attende this workshop .. And what kind of price would be fair and benifical for all .

Please be honest .. If this works out, it's something I would strongly consider doing with other Conferences.

thanks in advance

Vid Vicious
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