Originally Posted by Evil Chris
Well Ron, the only thing that springs to mind is how you predicted that Anaheim would have a strong hockey team last year.
But then again, Sports Illustrated predicted the exact same thing in October of 2006. Do you read SI? 
To be honest, I don't recall predicting that at all. I may have, but if I did, it was kind of a no-brainer after they picked up Pronger anyways. I wouldn't take much credit for that one.
My predictions in THIS thread years ago were bang on though about both Anaheim and Sergei Federov. Predicting Anaheim failing wasn't hard but how quick and fast Federov fell RIGHT after signing a huge contract? Yeah, I'll take credit for that one.
You know, you COULD increase your hockey knowledge Chris. Just start watching it instead of watching whatever it is that team out of Toronto plays.
No, I don't read SI btw. Anything I want to read about I can find online.