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Old 08-14-2007, 09:33 AM   #1
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Exclamation American Psycho..I'm confused! (spoilers if you haven't seen this movie)

Ok so I've watched American Psycho during my morning jog (on my treadmil obviously) I hadn't seen it in a long time, but I'm still VERY confused with the ending of this movie.

Can anyone shed some light on a few questions I have...

1. Did he actually commit all these murders?
2. Is he Patrick Bateman or does he "think" he is?

Here is my conclusion, give me your thoughts:

A "Psycho" is someone not in touch with reality. However, is not a threat.
A "Psychopath" is someone that acts out on his "psycho" tendencies and beliefs.

Patrick Bateman is living in his imagination. The notebook is where he lives his fantasies, not in the real world. The 1980's was a greedy decade where no one gave a shit about anything but themselves and greed. Therefore, Bateman is allowed to slide down further and further into his psychosis, because no one cares about him or anybody else. This sets up the potential for Bateman to actually act out his psycho tendencies later. At the end of the movie, he is coming into the realization that he might be to far gone, or that he can be saved

Am I way off here?

Anyway I've decided to pick up a copy of the book writen by Bret Easton Ellis. I forgot how much I enjoyed this movie!
Stephanie (Funbrunette)
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