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Old 08-17-2007, 03:19 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Quagmire View Post
A lot of crack addicts are happy with their addiction and keep feeding it. Same goes with many other types of addictions.

If she's binging and purging, I don't think her being "happy" is good enough. Someone needs to step in for the sake of her health.

I agree with what you say in your post. However I dont know if she does drugs or not. Or if she has any other addictions. Cant comment on that at all.

What I meant was that its hard for an "outsider", like myself - to know whats going on.

I have female friends aswell as male friends that are VERY "thin" or slim. Some ppl just do not have alot of body mass or body fat. Ofcourse Ive seen how Jenna looked in the past, so I doubt her current look is related to her genetics.

Up until 23-24 I myself was very thin built - although muscular for my weight. People told me to "eat more" to gain weight - and some even thought I was sick. I was not sick - I was healthier than most I knew and I had more energy than anyone else, even though I was training 5 times per week and working more than most..

Back to my original post - what I tried to say is that its hard for an outsider to know why someone drops weight or changes the way they look - and if that weight loss is healthy or not, the overall health of the person, etc..


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