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Old 12-11-2002, 04:10 PM   #21
PaulSweet should edit this
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Originally posted by Validus
I thought you guys might like this...

FROM: Sweet Legal Department

Sweet Entertainment Group
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Date: December 10, 2002


Mr. Steve Sweet, President of Sweet Entertainment Group (SEG), and 3 other principals of the Corporation were charged on December 6, 2002 with 6 counts of obscenity based on 3 specific videos from the SadoSlaves.com Library.

SEG has not been charged with any criminal offense. Mr. Sweet has not been detained in this matter.

The Crown has alleged that Lexa Lords, Naughty Nikki and Mistress Twilight sadoslaves.com video episodes are obscene pursuant to s. 163 of the Criminal Code of Canada. Three counts allege that the accused "did make, distribute and circulate an obscene video" and three counts allege "did have in their possession for the purpose of publication, distribution and circulation, an obscene video."

It appears that the Crown is concentrating its efforts on the BDSM subculture by alleging that the material in question combines explicit sex with violence or torture or that the material is degrading and dehumanizing. The Crown has not to date provided particulars of what segment of the videos it regards as being obscene.

The charges stem from Vancouver Police Department raids on the premises of Sweet Entertainment Group that occurred on March 13, 2002 and second raid that occurred November 7, 2002.

A number of pre-charge applications and motions to Court have already been successfully brought by SEG resulting in Orders from both the Supreme Court of British Columbia and the Provincial Court of British Columbia for the return of SEG property.

The most recent decision from the Supreme Court of Canada regarding obscenity is a 1992 decision Regina v. Butler. Much has changed in the past 10 years, with the explosion of the Internet, the commercial availability of BDSM type content and the shift of community standards this past decade. Mr. Sweet has indicated that SEG will vigorously defend the charges. The case is far from trial and many matters remain to be dealt with. Of course, should the matter reach trial constitutional arguments regarding Freedom of Speech under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms will be at the forefront of what will likely prove to be a precedent setting case.

The maximum penalty under Canadian law for this offence is 2 years. A conviction generally results in a fine.

SEG will continue to provide cutting edge content to its many customers and carry on its operations as it rises to meet this legal challenge.

P. G. Kent-Snowsell, B.A. , LL.B.
Head of Legal Affairs
Sweet Entertainment Group

Lots of BS flying around since the Media has picked up our story. So please everyone read this PR again. There are NO....let me repeat that N O rape charges.

Also there are No....N O charges for
- fisting
- degradation

There are 2 charges on 3 scenes in our BDSM feed SadoSlaves. Each of those scenes involves Needles/piercings on the girls.

None of our content features Rape or girls being held against their will - besides the fact that they are tied up. Lets go over that again. No Rape. No rape is depicted.

There is no dialogue of a girl begging to be let go, they never say "NO" - in all our footage this is true. In the BDSM footage they cry and scream. Thats in the script. Most of the "torture" devices are fake - just like Bangbus...its a script. The electric cattle prod is a toy, the wax candles are made of the same wax ladies use to wax their legs, etc.....the fact that people are shocked by it is the point. Its just like when you go to a movie and you believe that someone is bruised or injured. THey aren't really.

You don't have to like BDSM. But BDSM has existed for a very, very long time, well before people used a term like "porn" and respresents a lifestyle between two CONSENTING adults. There are safe words involved so people no when the line is being crossed. Do some research on BDSM if you know nothing on it but feel the need to babble on unfettered.

Thats our stance and we believe in it. And we're going to fight for that right in court if need be.
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