Originally Posted by Funbrunette
I saw the thread about phone sex and it brought back some funny memories. Back in college I took a job as a phone sex operator it was wild. I only lasted about 3 months then it really got to me...lol I would dream about it. But the money was good and I learned a few things!
What's the craziest job you ever had? Inquiring minds want to know!
You have certainly got the voice for it.
For me, hard to say.... the freakiest would have to be working security at the hospital back in the early 80's. Had to attend the morgue after hours, and can recall having some pretty gory gross cases come in... like the remains of a guy in a metal bucket... from a housefire. Or the guy in a bodybag who had spent about 3 days in the river, the bodybag was opened and his face slid off onto the floor in a big splat.
There's many more examples but I think you guys get the drift.
But the craziest job I've personally heard of wasn't mine, but a girl I briefly dated back in the mid 90's. She held a job at a hog processing plant where she was required to wear big rubber gloves and jerk off pigs on a conveyor belt. She'd jerk off a pig, the belt would move, and she'd jerk off the next one, and so on. 8 hours a shift of wanking pig cock.