Originally Posted by Panky
I don't. I'm loyal to the one I'm with. If it is in the very beginning and it is just the dating phase and there is no commitment on either end, that is different. But, if it is a committed relationship, I won't date others. I have very good instincts and have learned to trust them over the years. If something isn't right and it can't be worked out, I move on.
Sure, there are people that I'd fuck in a heartbeat, but I just can't go there. If I knew that 'playing the field' was an acceptable part of my relationship, that is one thing. But, if 'playing the field' is not an acceptable part of the relationship, then I respect that.
so if you are in love with someone - and happen to meet ANOTHER person that simply just feels "RIGHT", that you get blown away by and that makes your whole mind and body scream "This is the one!" - you still wouldnt date that new person?