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Old 08-23-2007, 12:43 AM   #10
Virgule3 is in love!
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That's an excellent question...

If you have read another of my posts, I was seeing this great guy but he has things to sort out and yesterday, he actually told me he has very strong feelings for me but they scare him, and he doesn't feel ready to have a relationship with anyone even though he find me attractive, inteligent, bla bla bla... But even if he likes being with me, he has too many things on his mind and wants to be alone for a while.

With that said, I don't plan on actually look for anyone else. I want to wait a while, see if he comes to his senses, and realize he can't live without me (I'm so irrisistible! ;o) ) I feel he is worth waiting for, but at the same time, if something happens, well, it happens.

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