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Old 08-23-2007, 09:01 AM   #1
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Default Jenna Jameson is retiring from porn...and the boobies are gone!

Jenna Jameson is retiring from making adult videos. I'm sure going to miss her I've always liked Jenna

She will continue to run her ClubJenna online business, but the blonde wants to focus on new projects, like a Hollywood biopic, a comic book and a clothing line, due out next year.

Jameson also decided to have her breast implants removed recently, and she sat down with Us Weekly to talk about why she did it.

Here are some highlights!

On why she had her implants removed:
“When I had implants, I felt uncomfortable. I would be shy at the beach. I know it sounds funny, but I’d wear high-necked clothes – unless I was at an adult-film convention. So I thought, Why don’t I be who I am and get my real ones back?”

On how removing the implants changed her:
“Even for women with naturally large boobs, getting a reduction is so freeing. I feel like I can stand up straighter…before, when I jogged, I had to hold my boobs. I looked like I was molesting myself!”

On how she felt postsurgery:
“Ecstatic. The first thing I did when I got home was open my bra. I wasn’t supposed to but I did. I was so happy, I cried. It was like looking into the mirror when I was 17.”

On whether she’s done with porn forever:
“Yes. A hundred percent.”

On who will play her in a movie about her life:
“I would love Scarlett Johansson to play me. I think Rachel McAdams is amazing, and Sienna Miller.”

On celebrating her one-year anniversary with boyfriend Tito:
“I had my surgery while he was in Iraq on a USO tour. He was so excited: ‘I’m coming home to brand new boobies.’”

Wonder what I would look like without my boobies....lol

I'm going to miss the old Jenna!
Stephanie (Funbrunette)
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