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Old 08-23-2007, 10:46 AM   #2
abugilda33 should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: St. Navis
Posts: 9
xBucks: 258

So are you a new-comer in SoftwareProfit? Or considerably improved your income comparing to the last month? Then sure, you won’t be agaist getting $1000 for yourself! That's right $1000 for yourself.
The Contest starts today, August 23rd 2007, and will run each month. We will award ‘The most Active New Affiliate’, ‘The most Improved Affiliate’, and ‘The Affiliate of the Month’ with $1000 in the end of each month. That's what we call a win-win situation.
The conditions are as follows:
Top New Affiliate
The brand-new affiliate with the greatest income will receive a $1,000 prize in addition to their usual earnings. Second and third places will get $500 and $250 accordingly.
Most Improved Affiliate
The SoftwareProfit affiliate with the greatest increase in income (compared with the previous month) will receive a $1,000 bonus. Second and third places will get $500 and $250 accordingly.
Affiliate of the Month
At the end of each month, the SoftwareProfit affiliate who sent the greatest number of new active referrals during the month will automatically receive a $1,000 extra. Second and third places will get $500 and $250 accordingly.
You can find more details and contest current standings with top 10 pretenders on the Contest Page www.softwareprofit.com/contest/.
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