Hi guys! My handle is knew, real name Etienne. I'm from Canada, currently live in MTL. I've been on the Internet for a while(since 96 or something). I got my first adult payday with xpics back in 98 if I remember correctly. Let's just say the sites I had were not absolutely legit, and I did not abuse it too much because of that, so I decided to quit it afterwards. I did not understand how traffic works.. etc at that time. As far as I remember, I've always wanted to be in this business. I also tried to copy link-o-rama page in 1999 but once again I did not understood how it worked(I just pretty much made my own static hmtl page, and copied his links to galleries). This never took off as I did not understand the way it worked... In 2005 I discovered resources and forums so I decided to start to read and learned quite a few things. I was really busy at that time with my mainstream job(read extremely, almost no free time for myself busy) so I did not maintain any website. I now am free from that job since a couple of months and decided to dip into the business. I consider myself pretty much a newbie, even if I have a some technical skills. I also "worked" a couple days at a well known established program earlier this year. Can't really talk about it

So that's about it. I'm an affiliate, looking to create traffic and grow traffic thru multiple sources(gals,blogs,tgp/mpg, SEO...).