lol @ Knew . post a pic dude .. cus I don't remember meeting you iether .. errr I don't remember alot of things this past weekend ..
About the accident ..
Happened earlier in the day on Sat .. round 2 ish .. I was on my way to the studio ... Had Sweetums in the car with me.
We got one block from the studi when it happened.
I had a stop, but there is a tree line that stops you from seeing in coming traffic (they don't have a stop and it's about a 1/2 Kilometer from the closest street light, so the cars are zooming by (even though it's residentual and a school zone) ... any how I drive thru here ever day and always inch up past the White line, about half a meter ... as soon as I do that this small truck cus out from behind a van (also blocking my view) ... young kid, first car and first accident. He could of avoided us easliy .. but he swerved towards me and hit my car just before the wheel well on the drivers side ... niether myself or sweetums were hurt other then just surprised ...
I could fix the stang, but I don't think it's worth it for a 94 ...