Originally Posted by Stinger
Oui oui A REAL BLAST IT WAS.....
Casa in a dress ( hope you have the pic where I had a lick at your salty tit's
Vid winning.... Simply deserved it keep it on you are on the verge to EXPLODE Watch out people cause YES it will be VICIOUS style
Funky B absolutly astonishing not only at the BAA all but the time si si on insiste..... And most important I found a TRUE friend....
Evil Thanks for the Pannel and the lunch was nice learning form you
Steph mon frenchy geeeeeeee man so many story's already can't wait man missing you already I will go see you store I promess
Monica lady of the Year .... Agredd agreed agreed you where lovely Mtl fits you well
Roman My new Fav webbi one word Sushi....
Phil tks for that dinner one of the best I had in my career also got one word for you ... Sake shots
And to all of those I forgot tx for spending time with The Stinger man in MTL hope to see you all sooner than later.
The pleasure is all mine hun and I love the nic name FunkyB you still work for Cacacash.com?
Hey let's go out for drinks soon!