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Old 08-31-2007, 09:51 AM   #1
Mister E
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Default Arrest me for Incisor Trading

Okay. Where is Doctor Nick when you need him? Today is the day the white-jacketed-torture-expert takes a sledge hammer and tongs and gives me a Colgate Smile. (I hate Procter and Gamble hence the Colgate product placement).

For those of you who don't know me, I had a bike accident 4 months ago. My teeth got smashed in like a hockey enforcer's.

The insurance finally kicked in and today I will spend 16K in an effort to re-build my Oral-Iraq.

We all have egos. The best way to prove this is to have a mouth full of broken teeth. You get the feeling everybody is staring at you. Or, maybe it’s my goiter.

SO, here I wine in anticipation of said procedure.

Implants at my age? Damn fall fashions. You got to have a rack.

Okay, I say nervously to the Nation de X! It will be nice to smile again.
It will be nice to eat raw buffalo again. It will be nice to spend 16K of someone else's money.

I came so close to buying a Harley but in my present state there is a risk of swallowing birds on the newly named Highway of Heroes.

So, when I see you at the next show, or at RocHards Bunny Ranch (where the rabbits like to be called Kevin) I dare you to make me laugh.

I look forward to it!
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