Well me and a couple friends have been looking since July for a nice house to Lease, everytime we would find a good one and have the papers signed for a proposal etc, the owners would find the "perfect" family to rent it to. Typically if I was them I would rent my house out to a "perfect" family of 4 over 3 guys in there 20's too lol.
Anyways this happened 3 times, and all 3 houses I/we had fallen in love with so it was starting to get frustrating! Finally yesterday we went out looked at 5 houses seen one that was Perfect! Not as new and extravagant as the ones before... but it works for us and is in our price range. It's a nice little 4 bedroom bungalow with decently sized rooms, hardwood floors and more importantly a inground heated pool. SO we made sure we signed the agreement on the spot so no perfect family could snatch it from under us! So I'm officially moving into a nice home October 16th! YAY..

Best thing about it aswell... the lease agreement we signed was all inclusive.. we don't pay any utilities, I'm the ultimate negotiator lol SO that will save us tons of money, and won't give a huge surprise if we were to be paying utilities and all of a sudden got a unexpected large hydro bill etc.
So that's that, I just wanted to share in my happiness with everyone here at Xnations. Im so excited
Love ya!!