Yah I'm fine .. sweetums was in the car too, she's good too, banged her knee on the dash, but no bruse or swelling. We never should of got hit. I was a little forward of the stop line (about half a meter) however the driver that hit us was new, first car, first accident. later a nieghbor told me he saw the other drive come towards me .. Basicly where the eyes go the car follows type of thing .. A newbie mistake. Still since it was my stop I should of stayed back (couln't see the on coming traffic cus of a tree line and a huge van that sat in the corner) still though he should of driven right by us .. BTW There has been 3 accidents in that same corner since (reported by a nieghbor, our studio is just up the road)
Oh well ..as the french say ... C'est La vie