How many years in the industry - and I am pretty sure that without proper references or webmaster approval, it would be hard for anyone to take this seriously without knowing who.
Given that, its really nice that they come with such a high recomendation from you, but how many webmasters do they have vs. traffic/business they can bring to a company. The last place they were at, what was their sales goals and did they accomplish that? How long have they been with one company and if they have been in the industry as long as you state, how many companies per year have they worked for or is it all from one company?
How many webmaster boards are they currently on? Post counts? How many webmaster events have they attended? Have they spoken on any panels? What affiliate or sales have they experience in? (content, dating sites etc)
"Wise men talk because they have something to say;
fools, because they have to say something." - Plato