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Old 09-10-2007, 08:49 PM   #8
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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I remember that day well. I can remember exactly what I was doing and watching as the second plane hit the Towers.

A few months later, we went to New York like we always did. We stopped to see Ground Zero. It was an eery feeling. Hundreds of people were gathered around and you could hear a pin drop. Even the babies and little kids were silent.

I remember visiting the Towers for the first time in June of that year. I went to New York twice a year for years, but never went to see the Towers before that. They were incredible. When you went to the observation tower, they had maps on the windows that explained which borough and landmarks you were looking at below. The view was awesome.

The Oklahoma City bombing was bad enough, but it was dismissed as a homegrown nut case. When the Towers were attacked, it was the first time many Americans felt vulnerable. We were so used to tragedies, outside of natural disasters, happening on everyone elses soil. The arrogance and false sense of security that no one would dare attack us on our own soil. Some say the Towers were an inside job. Our own Gov't was behind it. I don't really know. Regardless of whoever was behind it, they were successful in placing fear into the hearts of many Americans.
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