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Old 09-17-2007, 02:56 PM   #11
MediaGuy is looking to get webmasters nekkid for his calendar.
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Depending on your site size, the switch to a content manager is usually an inevitability.

Look at it this way: assuming it's a single site-blog-feed-tour-affiilate thing, you can do it all by hand - at first. But the more you add - especially on the membership/content side of things which requires a certain archiving/rotation of content at some point - the more you work.

The more you work, the less you're making per hour for that work - assuming you put some value on your tie.

So time that could end up being spent expanding your network or adding to your catalogue of sites (or playing with your kids, making love, having a LIFE) is instead spent recycling or adding to the initial site more and more as it grows. It just makes no sense.

If you plan on getting far with a site, especially a paysite, expect to upgrade to some CMS - especially in the membership area where SEs are irrelenvant. (I don't know of a CMS that is search-engine friendly. If you do, let me know).
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