Hi guys,
I think that a good CMS (content mangement system) is not only important for a growing outfit, but also for one site groups as well. Mainly because it gives you the freedom to do other things while your updates are being mananged automaticly. What happens if you get sick, are on vacation, you name it...
Just an inteligent investment no matter what your size.
In addition, regarding Carma or other CMS's that require loads of time to enter the content into the system, making a larger network or even a large single site, a big chore to handle.
I am SURE someone with some decent programming background can make a simple excel file import/export function so that images and video can easily be loaded into the system, with a simple drag and drop. An excel file could have the information needed for tags, descriptions, names, dates, etc
As long as both matched (content and excel info) there is no reason to have to enter all this by hand, one by one.
Just my two cents