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Thread: Vector Linux
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Old 09-20-2007, 01:11 PM   #1
Mister E
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Default Vector Linux

Here's a question for the Nation de X.

Does anybody know of a peer-to-peer program that works with Linux?

I am a convert to the free software platform and will never go back to Windows or Mac.

Linux let’s you use their software for any purpose while giving you absolute control to modify and develop.

With that having been said, I am a techno-moron! If I can compile and modify then user friendly has been demonstrated.

VL comes with a Limewire prog called GTK Gnutella but I need something that gives more access to whole albums and movies.

Any info will be much appreciated!

BTW: Linux cannot (easily) be hacked etc. It truly allows a freedom that cannot be had with the big commercial swindles.

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