Originally Posted by Casa Nova
I'm on facebook. As for the converting etc, I really wouldn't know but with your exposure with webdreams I know you made a group for webdreams.. but you should also make a fan club for yourself on there where you can keep people up to date with what you're doing and your websites and see what comes of it.
Also if you can somehow figure out how to make a useful application that relates to Adult, Then you can put links to your own sites on that main page of the app and you can guarantee that it's being seen by everyone who accepts the application which is alot.
For instance make a "Favorite Pornstar application" that displays a pic that they can upload (if it's not already in the app) of there Favorite pornstar/webgirl (upload all of the girls on your own sites with links when they click the pictures) etc. Then you have a little system of small marketing that will be flooded around by the users without much upkeep after you make the application. That's atleast my idea that I really have no idea how to do so I give it to anyone of you who can pull it off. Just make sure the pics show no nudity and it should be alright.
Damn I like theway you think .. Yah I really would like to get something out of ths ordeal. i get alot of fan mail in myspace, facebook and msn. I started a blog, with the intentions of it being a launching board to porn, since 90 persent of my hits cum from search engines. (not high traffic at all) but I did do a sale the other day off the blog (i haven't done any seo stuff, it's only been up a coupel of months,and i've been changing the design regularly) ... Any how Check out my Blog
www.vid-vicious.com, let me know what you think, any ideas ..etc .. I'd love to here your opnion ...