Originally Posted by Vid Vicious
Gala Films and Showcase (alliance atlantis) did. From what I was told the series cost a little over a million to produce ... and Season 2 was sold to over 9 countries for second window. It's got higher ratings the Season 1 fr the same time slot (season 1 was number 1 on the friday night line up for showcase) so i m pretty sure someone is makig money off the series .. but none of the characters.
From what I understand, Showcase's guideline for a reality show is that none of the participants are paid actors.
over thecourse of 2 years of filming I was able ot get the production company to pay for flights, hotels ..etc but never anything monitery ...
Oh and we all got these cotton American Apperal vests ..
These guys came trolling the boards and I advised everyone to give them a miss. They claimed that no "reality" show paid money. Like "Survivor". When I pointed out that everyone on survivor got paid, they went mute. They also claimed it was a documentary, so no talent should get paid. i pointed out that it was an entertainment series and they argued. But it was. They claimed great exposure would boost web site sales. When I asked their numbers and markets, they demurred. Basically it was a wank. if they ever troll the boards again, everyone should tell them to take a hike. They stuffed all the talent and they all made out like bandits. No one did their research and due diligence. If they had, it would have been clearly obvious, this was just a local show, with poor numbers sucking off the government tax credit tit. I have been on the other end of those cameras most of my life and I was always amazed at how easy it was to get people to perform for free. Go figure.