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Old 09-25-2007, 05:54 PM   #17
Kenny B
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Here's the extra costs involved:
Shipping: Budget $1000 to $1500 depending where the car is coming from
Customs Broker: $130 you don't need one but makes life so much easier
A/C tax: $100
Duty: 6.1% if the car is not assembled in the USA
Taxes: GST when crossing the border PST when you register the car
RIV Fee: $260
Inspections: Provincial $60 -$200 depending on the place you chose (quebec, i don't know the fee's in other provinces, second federal inspection is free at canadian tire

The 3 things many cars need is daytime running lights, (the module isn't expensive) bilingual airbag stickers as well as the child seat anchors.

The process can be a major pain in the ass though, trust me on this.

kenny - at -kennyspennies.com
icq: 53962376
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