Originally Posted by rhetorical
I know that drama may be a bit drastic. Maybe it is because there is so many Canadians here. But damn, nothing ever seems to happen at Xnations. It is kind of like ground hog day around here. Nothing wrong with being Canadian. hey, a Canadian buck is now worth an american dollar. That alone should make for some spirited discussion. In my case, i have lost fifty per cent of my income. Does this not merit some comment?
If you want bullshit and drama stick to GFY or Oprano. If you want comradarie, humor, spirited discussion, and helpulness you're in the right place. Point is getting to know people before you can appreciate the environment. Chris said middle ground, I think its more like common ground. I do agree with you though - there are too many Canadians here. And they can't take a joke. WTF is up with that?